London based human movement & posture therapist, Roger Golten offers a revolutionary deep tissue bodywork method called Hellerwork Structural Integration, a powerful alternative to traditional massage therapies available elsewhere.
Hellerwork Structural Integration is a systematic deep tissue bodywork programme of manipulation of the muscles and surrounding tissue (myo-fascia) which was developed by Joseph Heller in the USA in the 1970s. Hellerwork aims to realign and rebalance the body, producing a more relaxed, upright and 'gravidynamic' state by reducing chronic tension, and managing the way you deal with current and future stress. Along with the bodywork, there is a strong educational and awareness element that aims to maintain, integrate, improve and prolong the results produced.
The central premise of Hellerwork is that a structurally misaligned body experiences gravity as stressful and movement and flexibility is limited, causing energy loss and feeling worn out. A body in a more harmonious vertical alignment with gravity is flexible, moves more easily and experiences it as a supportive force. Clients learn to work with, rather than fight against gravity. Hellerwork is a uniquely powerful way of improving your posture and use of your body.
Roger Golten – Doctor Posture – is one of the leading exponents of Hellerwork and a pioneer of the technique in the U.K. and Europe since training with founder Joseph Heller in 1983. He has a client list that includes musicians, business professionals, actors and politicians as well as many others from all walks of life. Roger estimates that since he started practicing Hellerwork Structural Integration in 1983, he has treated over 2500 people and completed more than 30,000 hours of treatments.